The big boy’s

An engineer for over a decade, Tim Rocha’s journey to becoming the pork king of the seacoast was a winding one. First, he purchased 30 acres of land in Greenland, New Hampshire back in 1992. Then, he grew Christmas trees and vegetables. Yup, we’re still in the pre-pork days. Finally, in 2002, Tim started to raise chickens, cows, and yes—pigs.

KBF Barn KBF Doodle Art

Perfect pork meets terrific turkey

Our pigs eat good. Too good. When local farms enter the gleaning season, much of that produce is given to our pigs in order to avoid food waste. That means our pigs eat farm to table veggies.

These locally sourced feeds, when combined with a non-medicated grain make for a slower growing animal and cuts of meat that are juicy and full of flavor. That taste just can’t be bought at a super market.

KBF Field

Why Choose
Kellie Brook Farm?

Our pork, chicken and turkey are all naturally raised. That means they aren’t fed growth stimulants, hormones, antibiotics or animal by-products. In fact, we feed our livestock alternative feeds, such as: bread, yogurt, apples, pumpkins and other vegetables as much as possible. Everyday becomes a Thanksgiving buffet at Kellie Brook Farm (minus the turkey of course).